Player Information

Players are ages 5 to 18 and older with any disability or special needs.  No interest or experience in soccer is necessary.  Every aspect of practice is modified to each players abilities, strengths, and motivations.  A volunteer (Buddy) will work with each player.  Several of our volunteers work with children with special needs in the professional setting and serve as mentors  to all of our volunteers during practice.  Our goal is to provide an inclusive environment where players can be active, have fun, an interact with others.

Player fees are $40/year (to cover the mandatory SAA assessment fee) starting in September. Scholarships are available.  Players can register anytime throughout the year.  Parents or guardians must stay at practice with their player. 

For more information please contact Coach Val at 

Below is the  SAA TOPSoccer Parent Manual with important player information.

SAA TOPSoccer Player Manual.pdf